With a standard intraocular lens patients get good cataract treatment outcomes, however, new Comfort and EDOF intraocular lenses offer better visual quality and more spectacle independence in everyday situations such as daily computer work, shopping or driving.
These gold standard solutions include unique EDOF IOLs such as LENTIS Comfort and ACUNEX Vario.
ZEPTO – The new capsulotomy procedure
2023 | Megiddo-Barnir, Elinor MD, Alió, Jorge L. MD, PhD: Latest Development in Extended Depth-of-Focus Intraocular Lenses: An Update
Weitere Infos (Weblink)
2021 | Ramin Khoramnia, MD, Tetsuro Oshika, MD, Kyun-Hyung Kim, MD, Lourens van Zyl, MBChB, Iva Petkova, MD: Just EDOF it! - Five internationally renowned refractive surgeons give insights in their most recent findings and clinical data regarding LENTIS, FEMTIS and ACUNEX intraocular lenses.
2021 | Katherine Smallcombe: For the Prime of Life
Further information (weblink)
2020 | Manfred R. Tetz, MD : ACUNEX: An Aspheric Monofocal IOL for All Cataract Surgery Patients. The benefits of an IOL with hydrophobic glistening-free material and refractive stability and predictability.
2020 | Harvey S. Uy, MD; Tobias H. Neuhann, MD; Matthias Müller-Holz, MD; and Detlev R.H. Breyer, MD: ACUNEX Vario: The New Standard — EDOF IOL for Every Patient. Study shows excellent visual acuity at far and intermediate distances up to 60 cm and high level of spectacle independence.
2020 | Jorge L. Alió, MD, PhD: ACUNEX VarioMax: The Advantages of Varifocality. Brilliant vision without compromise.
2020 | Kanclerz et al: Extended Depth-of-Field Intraocular Lenses: An Update
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2019 | H.Uy: Visual Outcome and quality-of-vision with a new hydrophobic asymmetric refractive extended.depth-of-focus (EDOF) IOL
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2019 | C.Herbers, R. Lucchesi, I. Kaiser, J.Winters, S. Abdassalem, M. Moftah, F. Kretz: Clinical evaluation of functional vision during implantation of an aspherical rotationally asymmetric EDOF intraocular lens with an addition of 1,50dpt
Further information (weblink)
2019 | A. Simon, L. Stuhldreier, Dr. Müller-Holz, Dr. Riedel: Visual performance and contrast sensitivity with an new hydrophobic asymmetric-refractice extend-depth-of-focus (EDOF) IOL
Further information (weblink)
2025 | T. Kuriyama, T. Ono, S. Eguchi: Decentration and Tilt of Plate-Haptic Intraocular Lenses After Cataract Surgery: Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Evaluation
2024 | X. Yang, Z. Li, He Zou, F. Li, H. Zhang: Comparison of visual outcomes in patients with cataracts and high myopia after implantation of a zonal refractive multifocal or diffractive bifocal intraocular lens
2023 | T. Oshika, H. Arai, Y. Inoue, Y. Fujita: Five-Year Clinical Outcomes of Low-Add-Power Segmented Rotationally Asymmetrical Intraocular Lens
Weitere Infos (Weblink)
2023 | Ochi, Shintaro COT, Inoue, Yasushi MD, PhD; Koh, Shizuka MD, PhD: Enhanced Stereopsis of Rotationally Asymmetric Multifocal Intraocular Lens With + 1.5 Diopters Near Addition
Weitere Infos (Weblink)
2023 | Megiddo-Barnir, Elinor MD, Alió, Jorge L. MD, PhD: Latest Development in Extended Depth-of-Focus Intraocular Lenses: An Update
Weitere Infos (Weblink)
2021 | Y. Chikaraishi, Y. Arakaki, H. Koizumi: Temporary changes of visual outcomes and anterior chamber parameters after phacoemulsification and low-add-power segmented intraocular lens implantation for primary angle closure disease
Weitere Infos (Weblink)
2021 | Ramin Khoramnia, MD, Tetsuro Oshika, MD, Kyun-Hyung Kim, MD, Lourens van Zyl, MBChB, Iva Petkova, MD: Just EDOF it! - Five internationally renowned refractive surgeons give insights in their most recent findings and clinical data regarding LENTIS, FEMTIS and ACUNEX intraocular lenses.
2021 | Katherine Smallcombe: For the Prime of Life
Further information (weblink)
2020 | Xiaohui Song Xin Liu, Wie Wand et al: Visual outcome and optical quality after imlantation of zonal refractive multifocal and
extended-range-of-vision IOLs: a prospective comparison (Lentis Comfort vs. Tecnis Synfony)
Further information (weblink)
2019 | T. M. Yildirim, G.U. Auffahrt, T. Tandogan et al: In Vitro Untersuchungen zur optischen Qualität segmental refraktiver multifokaler Intraokularlinsen
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2019 | T. M. Yildirim, G.U. Auffahrt, T. Tandogan et al: In Vitro Evaluation of the Optical Quality of Segmental Refractive Multifocal Intraocular Lenses.
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2019 | P. Versace: WHEN EXPLANTATION IS INEVITABLE: LENTIS COMFORT IOL TO THE RESCUE - Replacing a multifocal IOL with the Comfort IOL can help to ensure no postoperative problems with dysphotopsias and glare
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2019 | Tetsuro Oshika, Hiroyuki Arai, Yoshifumi Fujita et al: One-year clinical evalution of rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens with 1,5 diopters near addition
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2019 | D. Breyer: Viele Möglichkeiten, ein Ziel: Große Brillenfreiheit
2019 | I. Tarib, I. Kaiser, C. Herbers et al: Comparison of visual outcomes and patient satisfaction after bilateral implantation
of an EDOF-IOL and a Mix-and Match Approach
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2018 | E. Pedrotti, R. Mastropasqua, J. Bonetto et al: Quality of vision, patient satisfaction and long-term visual function after bilateral imlantation of a low addition multifocal intraocular lens
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2018 | I. Tarib, I. Kasier, C. Herbers, Ph. Hagen, D. Breyer et al: Benefits of a Rotationallly Asymmetric Enhanced Depth of Focus, Bifocal Segment Intraocular Lens in an older Catarct Population Ranging from 74 to 82 years
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2017 | E. Vounotripidis, R. Diener, Ch. Wertheimer, et al: Bifocal nondiffractive intraocular lens for enhanced depth of focus in correcting prebyopia: clinical evalution
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2017 | D. R.H. Breyer, H. Kaymak, T. Ax et al: Multifocal Intraocular lenses Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lenses
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2017 | W. Mayer: Evaluation einer bifocalen EDOF-IOL zur Presbyopiekorrektur
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2017 | A.V. Egorova, A.V. Vasilév, V.V. Egorov: Visual acuity of pseudophakic eyes after cataract surgery and Lentis Comfort intraocular lens implantation
2016 | K. Hwan Kim, W. Soo Kim: Visual Outcome and patient satisfaction of low-power-added multifocal intraocular lens
Further information (weblink)
2016 | K. Ceglowska, I. Dacheva, G. Pinelli, et al: The comparison of intermediate visual acuity in patients treated for epiretinal membrane by phaco-vitrectomy with bifocal LENTIS Comfort LS-313 MF15 lens (Oculentis®) and monofocal lens insertion
Further information (weblink)
2016 | D. Breyer, O.Findl, E. Becker, J. Lübinghoff,, M. J. Koss, F. T. A. Kretz: We envision, you see LENTIS Comfort: Experience Comfort without compromise
PDF download
2016 | D. Breyer: The Düsseldorf Formula: Chanching the multifocal IOL game
PDF download
2016 | D. Breyer: MIOL-Implantation nach dem "Düsseldorfer Schema"
Further information (weblink)
2016 | E. Becker: Lentis Comfort: Enhancing visual performance
PDF download
2016 | O. Findl: Comparison: Lentis Comfort versus Monovision
PDF download
2016 | M. Koss: Enhancing quality of life in patients with ERM
PDF download
2016 | B. Ameline-Chalumeau: A Functional Solution to Increase Depth of Focus - The LENTIS Comfort IOL can help patients achieve good functional vision at a wide range of distances, Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today Europe, January 2015.
2016 | F. T. A. Kretz, R. Khoramnia, M. S. Attia et al: Clinical Evalution of functional vision of 1,5 Diopters near Addition, Aspheric, Rotational Asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens
Further information (weblink)
2015 | O. Findl: Lentis Comfort: a modern monofocal IOL
PDF download
2015 | D. Breyer: Lentis Blended Vision
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2015 | P. Versace: Photic phenomena of different multifocal designs
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2015 | Jorge L. Alió et al: The Oculentis Toolbox for Lens Surgery - LENTIS Comfort for cataract surgery, LENTIS Mplus Family for refractive cataract surgery, FEMTIS for laser-assisted cataract surgery.
PDF download
2015 | D. Breyer: Aufs Auge maßgeschneidert: individualisierte Linsenchirurgie - wie versorge ich meine Patienten
2014 | G.U. Auffahrt: Das Konzept der Zukunft - MIOL mit unterschiedlicher Nahaddition
2014 | S. Shah et al: Experts Uncover the next generation of LENTIS IOLs - Innovative solutions for
presbyopia, laser refractive cataract surgery IOLs, AMD, and more
PDF download
2014 | D. Holland: Initial clinical evaluation of the Lentis Comfort IOL
PDF download
2013 | D. Pietrini: Expérience du nouvel implant LENTIS Comfort dans la chirurgie de la cataracte
Further information (weblink)
2012 | J.L. Alio, A.B. Plaza-Puche, R. Montalban et al: Visual outcomes with a single-optic accomodating intraocular lens and a low-addition-power rotational asymmetric multifocal lens
Further information (weblink)
2011 | Colm Mc Alinden, J. Moore: Multifocal intraocular lens with a surface-embedded near section: short-time clinical outcomes
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2011 | J.L. Alio, A.B. Laza-Puche, D. P. Pinero et al: Comparative analysis of the clinical outcomes with 2 multifocal intraocular lens models with rotational asymmetry
Further information (weblink)
2021 | Ramin Khoramnia, MD, Tetsuro Oshika, MD, Kyun-Hyung Kim, MD, Lourens van Zyl, MBChB, Iva Petkova, MD: Just EDOF it! - Five internationally renowned refractive surgeons give insights in their most recent findings and clinical data regarding LENTIS, FEMTIS and ACUNEX intraocular lenses.
2018 | K. Klabe: Comfort Blended Vision and iStent Inject Implantation: A Combination Procedure With
Excellent Outcomes
Further information (weblink)
2016 | F.T.A. Kretz: The Lentis Comfort toric IOL: A Means to extend depth of focus
PDF download
2014 | R. Morris: Evaluating a toric lens with low add power
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2019 | Min Ji Park, Chan Woo Bang, Sang Youp Han: Precision pulse capsulotmy in challenging cataract surgery cases
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