Presbyopia is a vision disorder starting to develop from age 45, resulting in progressively worsening ability to focus clearly on close objects.
Innovative varifocal/multifocal intraocular lenses, such as the ACUNEX VarioMax or a MIOL of the LENTIS Mplus Family, enable surgeons to treat and correct presbyopia addressing highest patient expectations on visual outcomes.
Patients can expect to be almost completely independent of glasses, with sharp vision at all distances, and thus can enjoy high life quality.
LENTIS Mplus & Mplus X IOL
2020 | Jorge L. Alió, MD, PhD: ACUNEX VarioMax: The Advantages of Varifocality. Brilliant vision without compromise.
2020 | Jung Wan Kim, Youngsub Eom, Hyun Woo Chung et al: Factors for good near and distance visual outcomes of multifocal intraocular lens with inferior segmental near addvision
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2019 | H.-S. Son, R. Khoramnia, T. M. Yildrim et al: Functional Outcomes and reading Performance after combined Implantation of a small-Aperture Lens and a segmental refractive Bifocal Lens
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2019 | R. Khoramnia, G.U. Auffahrt: Brillenfreiheit und möglichst wenig photopische Phänomene; Ergebnisse nach kombinierter Implantation einer Lochblendenlinse und einer segmental refraktiven bifocalen IOL
2024 | D. Liu, H. Li, S. Zheng, J. Sun, H. Bai, X. Wu: Comparison of Visual Performance Between Mix-and-Match and Bilateral Implantation of Rotationally Asymmetric Multifocal Intraocular Lenses
2019 | T. M. Yildirim, G.U. Auffahrt, T. Tandogan et al: In Vitro Evaluation of the Optical Quality of Segmental Refractive Multifocal Intraocular Lenses.
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2019 | T. M. Yildirim, G.U. Auffahrt, T. Tandogan et al: In-vitro-Untersuchungen zur optischen Qualität segmental refraktiver multifokaler Intraokularlinsen
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2019 | M. E. Prost: Visual function after bilateral implanation of multifocal versus monofocal IOLs in children below 5 years of age
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2019 | A. J. Del Àguila-Carrasco, E. Papadatou, Ph. J. Buckhurst: Measuring aberrations of multifocal and extended depth-of-focus intraocular lenses
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2019 | D. Pinero, V. J. Camps, M. L. Ramón et al: Error induced by the estimation of corneal power and the effective lens position with a rotationally asymmetric refractive multifocal lens
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2018 | Z. Xu, W Li, L.Wu et al: Comparison of the Clinical Performance of Refractive Rotationally Asymmetric Multifocal IOLs with Other Types of IOLs: A Meta- Analysis
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2017 | R. N. McNeely, BSC. E. Pazo, A. Spence et al: Visual quality and performance comparison between 2 refractive rotationally
asymmetric multifocal intraocular lenses
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2017 |
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2017 | H. Tchah, K. Nam, A.Yoo: Predictive factors for photic phenomena after refractice, rotationally asymmetric, multifocal intraocular lens implantation
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2017 | V. J. Camps, A. Tolosa, D. P. Pinero et al: In vitro abberometric assessment of a multifocal intraocular lens and two extended depth of focus IOLs
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2017 | I. S. Song, S. Y. Yoon, J. Y. Kim: Hoffer Slit bifocal technology
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2017 | St. Schallhorn, J. M.Schallhorn, M. Pelouskova et al: Refractive lens exchange in younger and older presbyopes: comparison of complacation rates, 3 month clinical and patient-reported outcomes
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2017 | C. Albarran-Diego, G. Munoz, St. Rohrweck et al: Validity of automated refraction after segmented refractive multifocal intraocular lens implantation
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2017 | P.J. Buckhorst et al: Assessment of dysphotopsia in pseudophakic subject with multifocal intraoculear lenses
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2017 | V. Akondi, P. Pérez-Merino, E. Martinez-Enriquez et al: Evalution of the true wavefront aberrations in eyes implanted with an rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens
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2016 | E. Rosen, J. L. Alio, B. Dick et al: Efficiacy and safety of multifocal intraocular lenses following cataract and refractive lens exchange: Metaanalysis of peer-reviewed Publications
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2016 | R. Shodai, K. Negishi, H. Arai et al: Comparative analysis of visual and refractice outcomes of a refractive segmented multifocal intraocular lens with and without toricity: 1-year results
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2016 | A. Plaza-Puche, J. L. Alio, E. Sala, P. Mojzis: Impact of low mesopic contrast sensitivity outcomes in different types of modern multifocal intraocular lenses
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2016 | A. Yoo, J. Y. Kwag, I. S.Song et al: Comparison of visual function after implantation of inferior sector shaprd intraocular lenses: low-add +1,5D vs +3,0D
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2016 | A. Radhakrishnan, C. Dorronsoro, S. Marcos: Differences in visual quality with orientation of a rotationally asymmetric bifocal intraocular lens design
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2016 | R. N. McNeely, BSC. E. Pazo, Z. Millar et al: Thresold limit of postoperative astigmatism for patient satisfaction after refractive lens exchangemand multifocal intraocular lens implantation
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2016 | S. Song, S. Y. Yoon, J. Y. Kim et al: Influence of near-segment positioning in a rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens
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2016 | G.Savini, K. J. Hoffer, M. Lombardo et al: Influence of the effective lens position, as predict by axial length and keratometry, on the near add power of multifocal intraocular lenses
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2016 | G. Labuz, N. J.Reus, T. J. T. P.van den Berg: Comparison of straylight after imlantation of multifocal intraocular lenses
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2015 | M. Ouchi: Implantation of refractive multifocal intraocular lens with a surface-embedded near section for cataract eyes complicated with a coexisting ocular pathology
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2015 | Jorge L. Alió et al: The Oculentis Toolbox for Lens Surgery - LENTIS Comfort for cataract surgery, LENTIS Mplus Family for refractive cataract surgery, FEMTIS for laser-assisted cataract surgery.
PDF download
2015 | N. E. Temirov, N. N. Temirov:Subjective complaints following implantation of various multifocal lenses (CRS Vol. 15)
2015 | N. Garzòn, F. Poyales, B. Ortiz de Zàrate et al: Evalution of rotation and visual outcomes after imlantation of monofocal and multifocal toric intraocular lenses
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2015 | H. Ramji, J. Morre, CBT. Moore, S. Shah: Can the accurancy of multifocal intraocular lens power calculation be improved to make patients spetacle free?
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2015 | K.H. Kim et al: Multifocal intraocular lens in correcting presbyopia in eyes after radial keratotomy
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2015 | S. Bonaque-Gonzales, S. Rios, A. Amigo, N. López-Gil: Influence on visual quality of intraoperative orientation of asymmetric intraocular lens
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2015 | D. W. de Wit, J. Diaz, T. C. B. Moore et al: Effect of position of near addition in an asymmetric refractive multifocal intraocular lens on quality of vision
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2015 | A. B. Plaza-Puche, J. L. Alio, Sc. MacRae et al: Correlating optical bench performance with clinical defocus curves in varifocal and trifocal intraocular lenses
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2014 | J. Venter, A. Oberholster, St. Schallhorn, M. Pelouskova: Piggyback intraocular lens implantation to correct pseudophakic refractive error after segmental multifocal intraocular lens implantation
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2013 | B. C. Thomas, G. U. Auffahrt, R. Phillips et al: Klinische Ergebnisse nach Implantation einer neuen segmentalen refraktiven Multifokallinse
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2013 | J. L. Alio, G. U. Auffahrt, R. Belluci et al: State of the Premium IOL market in Europe
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2013 | J. Venter: Visual outcomes and patient satisfaction in 9366 eyes using a refractive segmented multifocal intraocular lens
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2013 | J. S. Wolffsohn, A. N. Jinabhai, A. Kingsnorth et al: Exploring the optimum step size for defocus curves
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2013 | J .L. Alio ,A. B. Plaza-Puche, J. J. Javaloy et al: Clinical and optical intraocular performance of rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOL plate-haptic design versus c-loop design
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2012 | L. Roach, J.Shaw: New options in multifocal IOLs
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2012 | R. Khoramnia, G. U. Auffahrt, T. M. Rabsilber, M. P. Holzer: Implantation of a multifocal toric intraocular lens with a surface-embedded near segment after repeated LASIK treatments
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2012 | D. W. de Wit, J. Diaz, T C. B. Moore et al: Refractive lens exchange for a multifocal intraocular lens with a surface-embedded near section in mild to moderate anisometric amblyopic patients
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2012 | E. Skiadaresi, C. McAlinden, G. Ravalica, J. Moore: Optical coherence tomography measurments with the Lentis Mplus multifocal intraocular lens
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2012 | A. Liekfeld: Multifokallinsen - welche für wen? (Artikel Opthalmologie aktuell)
2012 | G. Munoz, C. Albarran-Diego, J. Javaloy et al: Combining zonal refractive and diffractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lens
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2012 | J. L. Alio, A.B. Plaza-Puche, J. Javaloy et al: Comparison of the visual and the intraocular optical performance of a refractive multifocal IOL with rotational asymmetry and an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL
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2011 | J. L. Alio, A. B. Plaza-Puche, D. P. Pinero et al: Comparative analysis of the clinical outcomes with 2 multifocal intraocular lens models with rotational asymmetry
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2011 | Colm Mc Alinden, J. Moore: Multifocal intraocular lens with a surface-embedded near section: short-time clinical outcomes
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2011 | J. L. Alio, D. Pinero, A. B. Plaza-Puche, M. J. Rodriguez Chan: Visual outcomes and optical performance of a monofocal intraocular lens and a new-gerneration multifocal intraocular lens
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2011 | J. L. Alio, A. B. Plaza-Puche, J. Javaloy et al: Comparison of a new refractive multifocal intraocular lens with an inferior segmental near add and a diffractive multifocal intraocular lens
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2011 | G. Munoz, C. Albarran-Diego, T. Ferrer-Blasco et al: Visual function after bilateral implanation of a new zonal aspheric multifocal intraocular lens
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2011 | A. Ehmer, T. M. Rabsilber, A. Mannsfeld et al: Influence of different multifocal intraocular lens concepts on retinal stray light parameters
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2011 | J. O. Gárate, B. D. Gonzales, E. V. Cruchaga et al: Clinical analysis of the LS-312MF Mplus intraocular lens
2010 | E. Mertens, J. L. Alio, G. U. Auffahrt, R. Lapid-Gortzak, M. Tetz, S. Shah: Lentis Mplus - the only presbyopia lens with HD-vision
PDF download
2010 | G. U. Auffahrt: Lentis Mplus: an innovative multifocal lens technology (JCRS Today Europe)
2010 | J. L. Alio: New asymmetric IOL design provides vision at all distances, no disturbing photic phenomena
2019 | M. Böhm, K. Petermann, E. Hempkeppler, T. Kohnen: Defocus curves of 4 presbyopia-correcting IOL designs: diffractive panfocal, diffractive trifocal, segmental refractive, and extended-depth -of-focus
Further information (weblink)
2019 | M. Böhm, K. Petermann, E. Hempkeppler, T. Kohnen: Comparative analysis of defocus curves of four presbyopia-correcting intraocular lenses with four designs: diffractive panfocal, diffractive trifocal, segmental refractive and extend depth of focus
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2019 | St. P. Binder: Advantages of a split bifocal IOL
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2018 | T. Kohnen, E. Hemkeppler, M. Herzog et al: Visual Outcomes after Implantation of a Segmental Refrcactive Multifocal Intraocular Lens Following Catarct Surgery
Further information (weblink)
2014 | S. Shah et al: Experts Uncover the neXt generation of LENTIS IOLs - Innovative solutions for presbyopia, laser refractive cataract surgery IOLs, AMD, and more
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2014 | Ben Wanders: Get off the peaks, get into the zone
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2014 | S. Shah: Visual function with the Lentis MplusX IOL
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2014 | H. Arai, D. Breyer, D. Pietrini: Personal experience with the Lentis MplusX IOL
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2014 | L. Hanneken, R. Schmid: Personal experience with the Lentis MplusXtoric IOL
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2014 | E. J. Berrow, J. S. Wolffsohn, P. S. Bilkuhu et al: Visual performance of a new bi-asperic, segmented, asymmetric multifocal IOL
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2014 | S. Shah et al: Assessment of a second-generation bifocal lens
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2021 | Balamurali K. Ambati, MD, PhD, MBA; Noraliz García-O’Farrill, MD; Francis Raymond Mendoza-Castor, MD, FPCS, FPAO; Alaa Eldanasoury, MD, FRCS; Erika N. Eskina, MD; Erik L. Mertens, MD, FEBOphth; Francisco Sánchez Leon, MD; Rocío Sanchez Sanoja, MD; Pooja Khamar, MD, PhD, FCRS; Sneha Gupta, MD; and Rohit Shetty, MD, PhD, FRCS: Strategies for Correcting Presbyopia
Weitere Infos (Weblink)
2019 | A. Cywinski, S. Penter, L. Bednarski et al: Mplus/Mplus toric (Oculentis) Bifocal successor Monofocal Lens in Private Medical Centre. Six Years of Experience
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2019 | P. Ziak, J. Halicka, P. Mojzis et al: Presbyopic lens exchange (Prelex) cataract surgery outcomes with implantation of a rotationally asymmetric refractive multifocal intraocular lens: femtosecond laser-assisted versus manual phacoemulsifcation
Further information (weblink)
2018 | J. A. Calvo-Sanz, M. A. Sánchez-Tena: Characterization of optical performance with defocusing curve: analysis of two refractive intraocular lens models with high and medium addition
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2017 | D. R. H. Breyer, H. Kaymak, T. Ax et al: Multifocal Intraocular lenses Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lenses
Further information (weblink)
2017 | T. Brockmann, Ch. Sonnleithner, A. Pham et al: Unterschiede des Kontrastsehens bei refraktiven, diffraktiven und hybriden MIOL
Further information (weblink)
2016 | R. N. Mc Neely, E. Pazo, A. Spence et al: Comparison of the visual performance and quality of vision with combined symmetric inferonasal near addition versus inferonasal and supertemporal placement of rotationally asymmetric refractive multifocal intraocular lenses
Further information (weblink)
2016 | K. Linz, M. S. A. Attia, R. Khoramnia et al: Clinical evaluation of reading performance using the Salzburg reading desk with a refractive rotational asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens
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2015 | J. Reiter, J. A. Venter, J. L. Alio et al: The Lentis Mplus family
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2012 | Moderators: D. Breyer, E. Mertens: Advanced multifocal IOL technology for the treatment of presbyopia, astigmatism, and catarct.
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